How Mobile Apps Like Miss Bongo Avis View The User Experience

The mobile space is the most explored business environment that companies are using. Companies are building their brand by investing heavily in mobile marketing and mobile apps and services. As the budget of many companies gets bigger, there are ways that some companies are using to provide a unique interface to deliver their services. But is it a new way? No, it has always been here with it, and it is in the form of texting.

One company that uses the text messaging user interface is Miss Bongo Avis; it uses this service because it is a universal interface that can be accessed by any mobile phone in any country. How do companies like Miss Bongo Avis and other SMS based services view the user experience?

Consumer interaction is opened up using text messages

Phones come with pre-installed chatting capabilities that can also help you to purchase products, plan your day and even find entertainment. Well, it sounds too good to be true, but companies like Cloe, Magic and Miss Bongo are using text messaging as their interface. The reason as to why text messaging is a great alternative that is becoming popular even though there is a mobile app frenzy is because of its fundamental function which is texting. This is a 2-way communication that opens up the full range of consumer interaction better than mobile apps. Companies benefit from the flexibility that SMS provides to its users.

There is no redundancy for apps

For smartphones, there are very many mobile apps that can make it hard for you to use your phone. Mobile apps tend to make life harder instead of simpler, and that is why text messaging services have become popular because they eliminate the confusion of different apps.

Text messaging is a multifunctional tool that counteracts the precedence of the mobile apps. Users are able to accomplish very many tasks just from one place, at the same time, retaining the functionality of the mobile app. Texting is by far the most used application in all phones as users keep anticipating messages each and every time.

Businesses like Miss Bongo are able to complete the process of service delivery in a matter of a few steps. When you use a texting service, you can still have other mobile apps running because once you send in your message, you receive an answer within seconds.

Companies get efficient interactions with their customers through text messaging

The simplicity of the text messaging service is what brings about elegance in the user experience of a service. If you compare the graphical user interface and the text-based interface, the rules of interaction between apps changes from one app to the other. But in text-based environments, interactions are liberated because they are similar. Users have a clear way of responding to incoming messages without ever going through the headache of a learning curve.

It is not that hard to download an app and use virtual buttons, but nothing is simpler like sending a text message. It is actually simpler for a customer to text a message than to operate an application. When you allow users to communicate in the simplest way possible, it accommodates everyone because it is a universal platform.

Five different people can ask one question in five different ways, but it can be interpreted in the same query and the proper response sent back. This flexibility of SMS has led companies to adopt this user interface. There are companies that use it for simple notifications, while others use it as its core business line. For instance, Seamless sends you a notification of when your food is on its way, while other airlines send you the real-time information of flight details. Miss Bongo on the other end uses SMS to give you some juicy personal details about yourself when you send a message with your complete name and your city.

In summary, SMS service beats mobile apps in different ways. As a company, you should look at ways you can use text messaging to deliver better services to a wide range of users in a simpler way.