In fact, it has been shown that the millennials and generation Z are the most adaptive when it comes to technology. They are the ones shaping the technology. A lot of startups built by millennials are also anchored on technology. Social media has been continuously evolving to cater to their needs. The ages of teenagers and kids who have their own smartphones or have access to social media have generally been younger, according to most studies.
Why is this so? What caused these two latest groups of people to become more inclined to technology than their older counterparts? In this post, we will be looking into several reasons why this population has become tech-savvy than ever before.
6 Reasons Why Millennials & Gen Z Are More Influenced by Technology
1. The 90s was the beginning of the internet revolution
Back in the 80s, the internet was a foreign word. It was only used for commercial or military purposes, and the internet is basically a data space where users can exchange technical information needed to do tasks. With the development of the dial-up connection, graphic-user interface internet browser, it became possible for kids of the 90s and 2000s to explore the world of the internet. Internet sites have popped up for them to read information on, play games, and even learn the language of the web during the time that is was fairly new.
2. The internet became a source of free, easily-accessible information
Since the dawn of the world wide web, and the rise of the search engine Google, it has become possible for people to easily find information online. The older generation was used to sourcing information on the library and traditional media outlets. The newer generation of students can access libraries even bigger than they could ever imagine. The convenience and power of easy access made the newer generation have more user adoption to find information online.
3. Technology has also assisted many areas of business sectors
The business sector used to rely on traditional means. This usually involves setting up a physical outlet for employees, promoting their business on TV, radio, paper and all other forms of conventional methods. With the rise of the internet and gadgets, businesses can now promote their products and services online. They can find partnerships with other companies who assist in customer on boarding and customer success. These used to be methods that were only possible through human contact. With the possibilities that technology offers, these processes can be highly automated for businesses to use. This is why millennial and generation Z startups always have an online domain because of the many advantages it brings.
4. Technology has made the newer generations more connected than ever
Have you heard of the terms online dating, online chat buddies, and video call groups? These are terms that were unheard of 3-4 decades ago. With the rise of technology also comes the rise of interconnectedness. People can now call their family, friends and other loved ones from another side of the globe at no costs. Landline companies have waned because of the popularity of social media platforms where we can be updated with each other’s lives in a single swipe or tap of a button. This has made the newer generations more inclined to technology, as their time proved to be a moment where we are swapping the old developments for the most innovative ones.
5. Technology’s fast-paced nature also changed the course of career development
Technology has made the world evolve in a fast-paced manner. This also means that all aspects of our lives are affected including careers. One of the most in-demand jobs today require some knowledge of technology, such as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) majors. These are subjects that a lot of millennials and generation Z people take because they know that technology is at an all-time high-demand. Even subjects that seem to be untouched by technological advancements also have to operate using high-tech mediums. The world is constantly changing and job evolution is a proof of that.
6. The newer generation has more opportunities to succeed when they have knowledge of technology
Given the current technological advancements, millennials and generation Z are aware that they are in a competitive realm. This isn’t just about job placements, but also in many opportunities in life. When we have access to the latest information, the latest gadgets, the latest tech resources, we are almost certain that we can be ahead of our reluctant counterparts. The simple fact that people make use of better mobile phones, better appliances, and high-end cars is a proof that people want to get ahead in life through technology.
It is interesting to note that even if the younger generation receives criticism for their supposedly “entitled” behavior, we can see that they are also the population who will propel the world into its more advanced state. With technology developing even faster then we can catch up on, we can entrust the younger crowd to take control of the future as they ride and build on these advancements.