Pros and Cons of Crypto Investing



So you say you want to invest in cryptocurrency, do you? While that idea might have gotten you laughed at a few years ago, these days, that type of statement is met with inquisitive looks and questions of “why?”

To be sure, your reasons for investing in cryptos have to be rock solid. Not only is the marketplace incredibly volatile, but with new cryptos arriving every day, you have to be sure about your intentions so that you don’t get sidetracked chasing every new coin that comes on the market. Enlisting the help of a mentor, like Mark Dukas Charlotte, might be a good way to get started.

Still, there are both advantages and disadvantages to getting into this market that you would do well to consider.

Why Should I Invest In Crypto?

The simple answer is, to make money. That’s the main reason anyone invests in anything, whether it be stocks, startups, or cryptocurrencies, but there are a few other reasons to consider crypto instead of traditional marketplaces.

1. Quick Returns. Initial coin offerings are all the rage these days, with some coin startups raising as much as $150 million in only a few hours time. Most startups that raise investor funds are lucky if they’re able to provide a decent return on investment in few years, but investors in some coin startups can cash out in hours with a sizeable return if they choose.

2. Very Liquid. Unlike a traditional marketplace where you have to wait for someone else to buy your stock in a company or for an eventual buyout, coin investors can liquidate their holdings almost whenever they choose. If the coin has a strong enough network of investors, that transaction can happen almost instantaneously. An experienced crypto investor like Mark Dukas can help you decide when the time is right to sell.

3. Full Transparency. While there may be some confusion over what exactly a cryptocurrency does, for those who are familiar with the idea, cryptocurrencies look and act very similar, with the main difference being the network that they operate in. When you invest in a startup, you invest knowing that the company that emerges several years down the road will most likely look drastically different as they pivot to adjust to the market. That’s not the case with crypto: you know what you’re getting and how it operates the moment you buy in.

4. Massive Wealth. It’s not too great of an exaggeration to say that there is an opportunity for such rapid and monumental wealth creation that has never before been seen by mankind. If you had invested $1,000 in Bitcoin around 2010, that investment would have been worth over $100 million today. Mark Dukas has seen several rags-to-riches stories in his time as a crypto investor, and can testify to the heights wealth can reach.

Why Should I Not Invest in Crypto?

It’s not all roses and tulips, however. Before you decide to take the plunge, consider these potential drawbacks.

1. Reliant on Network. Every coin is only as effective as the network that it operates in; if the community doesn’t rally around it, then the network stalls and the coin ultimately fails. Before you invest, take a look to see how many people have bought into the network and whether or not that will continue into the future.

2. High Floor to Entry. Before a coin can even come to market, it has to have a certain amount of capital to develop and implement the coin into the network. If they don’t raise enough money, the coin fails and the company goes belly-up. Be careful that you don’t buy into a coin that will hold no value in a couple of months.

3. The threat of Poor Leadership. For purposes of investing, it’s best to think about every coin as a start-up in and of itself. It needs capital to get started, solves a problem within the community, and has a team of managers that oversee operations. If those managers don’t do a good job of shepherding the business, expect to see a coin that falters and doesn’t reach its full potential. Or, even worse, goes under completely. Every business is only as effective as it’s leadership, and crypto is no different.

4. Incredibly Unstable. This is perhaps the biggest issue facing cryptos on an hourly basis, as Mark Dukas Charlotte can testify to. A coin that seems to be doing really well can tank within a matter of minutes, and skyrocket to 4,000% its initial value an hour later. It’s the most unpredictable commodity on the market today, so if you’re one of those investors that doesn’t like to take huge risks, crypto investing might not be for you. If you can stomach the volatility, however, there’s a lot of money to be made.


User IQ

6 Reasons Why Millennials & Gen Z Are More Influenced by Technology

User IQ
Millennials and generation Z are often called by older generations as self-centered, entitled, and indecisive people. Is this really the truth behind these newer set of thinkers and movers? These characteristics may be seen in some of them, but it is not good to generalize the capabilities of this crowd.

In fact, it has been shown that the millennials and generation Z are the most adaptive when it comes to technology. They are the ones shaping the technology. A lot of startups built by millennials are also anchored on technology. Social media has been continuously evolving to cater to their needs. The ages of teenagers and kids who have their own smartphones or have access to social media have generally been younger, according to most studies.

Why is this so? What caused these two latest groups of people to become more inclined to technology than their older counterparts? In this post, we will be looking into several reasons why this population has become tech-savvy than ever before.

6 Reasons Why Millennials & Gen Z Are More Influenced by Technology

1. The 90s was the beginning of the internet revolution

Back in the 80s, the internet was a foreign word. It was only used for commercial or military purposes, and the internet is basically a data space where users can exchange technical information needed to do tasks. With the development of the dial-up connection, graphic-user interface internet browser, it became possible for kids of the 90s and 2000s to explore the world of the internet. Internet sites have popped up for them to read information on, play games, and even learn the language of the web during the time that is was fairly new.

2. The internet became a source of free, easily-accessible information

Since the dawn of the world wide web, and the rise of the search engine Google, it has become possible for people to easily find information online. The older generation was used to sourcing information on the library and traditional media outlets. The newer generation of students can access libraries even bigger than they could ever imagine. The convenience and power of easy access made the newer generation have more user adoption to find information online.

3. Technology has also assisted many areas of business sectors

The business sector used to rely on traditional means. This usually involves setting up a physical outlet for employees, promoting their business on TV, radio, paper and all other forms of conventional methods. With the rise of the internet and gadgets, businesses can now promote their products and services online. They can find partnerships with other companies who assist in customer on boarding and customer success. These used to be methods that were only possible through human contact. With the possibilities that technology offers, these processes can be highly automated for businesses to use. This is why millennial and generation Z startups always have an online domain because of the many advantages it brings.

4. Technology has made the newer generations more connected than ever

Have you heard of the terms online dating, online chat buddies, and video call groups? These are terms that were unheard of 3-4 decades ago. With the rise of technology also comes the rise of interconnectedness. People can now call their family, friends and other loved ones from another side of the globe at no costs. Landline companies have waned because of the popularity of social media platforms where we can be updated with each other’s lives in a single swipe or tap of a button. This has made the newer generations more inclined to technology, as their time proved to be a moment where we are swapping the old developments for the most innovative ones.

5. Technology’s fast-paced nature also changed the course of career development

Technology has made the world evolve in a fast-paced manner. This also means that all aspects of our lives are affected including careers. One of the most in-demand jobs today require some knowledge of technology, such as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) majors. These are subjects that a lot of millennials and generation Z people take because they know that technology is at an all-time high-demand. Even subjects that seem to be untouched by technological advancements also have to operate using high-tech mediums. The world is constantly changing and job evolution is a proof of that.

6. The newer generation has more opportunities to succeed when they have knowledge of technology

Given the current technological advancements, millennials and generation Z are aware that they are in a competitive realm. This isn’t just about job placements, but also in many opportunities in life. When we have access to the latest information, the latest gadgets, the latest tech resources, we are almost certain that we can be ahead of our reluctant counterparts. The simple fact that people make use of better mobile phones, better appliances, and high-end cars is a proof that people want to get ahead in life through technology.

It is interesting to note that even if the younger generation receives criticism for their supposedly “entitled” behavior, we can see that they are also the population who will propel the world into its more advanced state. With technology developing even faster then we can catch up on, we can entrust the younger crowd to take control of the future as they ride and build on these advancements.

Andrew Knight New Canaan

Should Technology in Sports be Limited?

Andrew Knight New Canaan
The world of sports has always been a breeding ground for new technologies which later trickle down to the human on the street who reaps the benefit in their everyday life. As baseball and winter sports enthusiast Andrew Knight New Canaan understands, the introduction of new technologies is something that is highly controversial and difficult to regulate for many. The issue of whether to ban certain technologies is a difficult one to face for governing bodies who are often struck by the need to maintain a level playing field while attracting sponsors and global coverage through the capturing of the public imagination through the breaking of records and new feats of human endeavor.

The use of new technologies has a long history

The introduction of new technologies in sports has been an ongoing issue in many different areas for decades with motorsports often seen as the main area of concern for those who are looking to introduce new technologies. Many sports fans look to the sport of cycling in the late 1980s and early 1990s as the time when technology exploded in the sport and spread into different arena’s.

However, technology and controversy have gone hand in hand for decades with numerous incidents reported over the years such as the ComBat controversy which struck cricket in 1979. Australian Dennis Lillee arrived to bat in a match against England with an aluminum bat in hand instead of the traditional willow and immediately found himself involved in a controversy. Not only did his own captain, Greg Chappell sends out a traditional bat for Lillee to use but the English team complained about the bat damaging the soft leather ball.

The bat was actually designed as a cheap alternative for schools and developing nations to use to encourage the spread of cricket across the world with Lillee using the 1979 Test Match as a marketing ploy to encourage sales. In the weeks after the match, the global cricket authorities banned the use of all bats apart from those created with a wooden face which would not damage the integrity of the sport.

Cycling kicks off the trend for increased technology

The combination of man and machine may be one of the most impressive of recent times with British cyclist Chris Boardman teaming with the engineers of sportscar manufacturer Lotus to create the Windcheetah bicycle. The Guardian reports Boardman had already become interested in the use of technology to assist in developing his own time trial style which was aided by the use of information and data about revolutions per minute and power distribution in the late 1980s; around the same time, engineer Mike Burrows developed a new design for a bicycle which lowered wind resistance and improved the connection between rider and bike.

At the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona, Boardman debuted the much anticipated and controversial bicycle breaking the world record in the first two rounds of competition and overhauling the world champion Jens Lehmann in just 13 laps of the 4,000-meter pursuit to claim a gold medal. Boardman would eventually retire from cycling in 2000 by taking the world absolute hour record using a bicycle equipped with the technology available in 1972 by more than 10 kilometers showing his own use of technology and data had aided his career as much as the technological breakthroughs made by Lotus, according to The Guardian.

Bodysuits and more

Competition is the driving force behind sports and the desire to break records pushes elite sportspeople to attempt to discover new technologies which can push them towards a greater level of success. The New York Times reports in speedskating and swimming, the use of new technologies has become a controversial aspect of the sports but these are also difficult to eliminate from a sport as the plateauing of various records and performance levels is a major issue which could drive away fans and athletes alike.

The use of full bodysuits was banned by swimming authorities in the early 21st-century after records began to fall in many different events because of the use of new technologies including new fabrics designed to eliminate drag. In other areas, technology has an impact in keeping the playing field level and with safety in mind; during the 1980s and 1990s the battle between javelin throwers Steve Backley and Jan Zelezny which saw regular throws over 90 meters prompted a redesign of the javelin using new technology to keep the equipment in the safety area of athletics track infields.

As technology has moved forward for baseball players such as Andrew Knight New Canaan the need to ensure the human factor in sport remains in play has always been of great importance. Banning all technology would be impossible as many athletes rely on the sponsorship of technology-based groups for survival and to ensure the race to better existing records continues to capture the imagination of the public.

Saleh Stevens

5 Business Technology Trends Defining CIO Responsibilities This Year

Saleh Stevens
Technology in business has rapidly been evolving over the recent years. With many trends that come and go, Chief Information Officers (CIOs) should keep track of what is beneficial for their respective businesses, according to Saleh Stevens.

CIOs back in the 1980s were more involved technically, as they secure information gathered from computers and machines for interpretation and strategic planning. This scope of practice changed as CIOs were seen more as overseers of the IT department of each company. “CIOs now are part of the executive board, reporting directly to the CEOs regarding information technology affairs,” according to Saleh Stevens, a known tech writer.

Fast forward to present day, CIOs hold more responsibilities than ever in a fast-paced digital world. What are the trends this year and how can a CIO respond to these trends? Read further to find out more.

5 Business Technology Trends Defining CIO Responsibilities This Year

1. Automated customer support

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been increasingly playing a big role in the development of modern businesses. Instead of relying on human customer support, several businesses have applied an automated chatbot that is readily available for client inquiries and troubleshooting. Although this is a helpful business trend that a company can feature on their website, it needs time to set up and continuous finetuning in order to fit the client’s needs. The CIO is responsible for helping build a framework for the chatbot to follow and assign ITs to program this on the website. Afterwards, the CIO can report the results of adopting this business trend how it helped increase engagement and customer satisfaction.

2. Rise of cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is one of the hottest business trend topics since its current rise in the stock market. A lot of businesses are contemplating about accepting the digital currency as a form of payment within their businesses, or if they should develop their own currencies themselves. This can be a debatable topic and as a CIO, he or she must discuss the advantages and possible risks of accepting cryptocurrency as a trend to include in their business strategy. Additionally, if the executive board is in favor of accepting this trend, the CIO must know how the system can be set up. Assigning data analysts and digital experts to design the system and record data will be essential to help the CIO create a digital currency platform that will appeal to their clients.

3. Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is one of the top most priorities of any business that aspires to expand in the digital world. A lot of sensitive information is exchanged when clients enter payment details for a product or a service. To have the highest standard of safety measures, the CIO is responsible to provide an integrated system where clients can be more protected. The business must consider the risks of identity theft, stealing payment information, and other data risks that may compromise the customers and employees. At present, there are a lot of new trends that help in preventing these risks of fraud, such as facial recognition, fingerprint as passwords, and blocking out passwords in suspicious locations and devices. The CIO must identify which systems can be helpful to improve the business’ cybersecurity.

4. Evolving content marketing strategies

Content marketing is a pillar of a business with a strong online presence. The creation of text, image or video ads, news articles, blogs and all other related content can help a business grow exponentially and reach the target market. The CIO must be aware of the current content marketing strategies, which is quickly evolving from search engine optimization to social sharing. This is especially useful for a startup business. Since a lot of corporate giants already dominate the search engine landscape, new businesses must make use of other strategies to reach their target audience using an engaging and shareable content. The CIO must be able to get insights from their company’s creative directors and video marketers on which types of content are effective. From there, they can make informed marketing decisions.

5. AI systems for web development

AI systems for web development aside from customer support can include auto-suggestion, the creation of newsletters, personalized user experience and many more. These business trends for the year have been increasingly common in order to generate more leads for the business. The CIO is responsible for knowing which trends can be applied to their business and if it is effective upon application.

“A good example of this is Amazon,” Saleh Stevens remarked. “Amazon takes the data of your recent searches and send you a newsletter of suggested products related to that search. These types of AI systems for web development can help boost your business,” he adds.

Knowing these business trends is important for any CIO. With the ever-changing technological developments, proper research and being open to new trends are always necessary characteristics for a business to grow.